Social Security Administration Act 1992

163General financial arrangements

(1)There shall be paid out of the National Insurance Fund—

(a)benefit under Part II of the Contributions and Benefits Act;

(b)guardian’s allowance;

(c)Christmas bonus if the relevant qualifying benefit is payable out of that Fund;

(d)any sum falling to be paid by or on behalf of the Secretary of State under regulations relating to statutory sick pay or maternity pay; and

(e)any expenses of the Secretary of State in making payments under section 85, 97 or 99 above to the extent that he estimates that those payments relate to sums paid into the National Insurance Fund.

(2)There shall be paid out of money provided by Parliament—

(a)any administrative expenses of the Secretary of State or other government department in carrying into effect the Contributions and Benefits Act or this Act;

(b)benefit under Part III of that Act, other than guardian’s allowance;

(c)benefit under Part V of that Act;

(d)any sums payable by way of the following—

(i)income support;

(ii)family credit;

(iii)disability working allowance;

(iv)rate rebate subsidy;

(v)rent rebate subsidy;

(vi)rent allowance subsidy;

(vii)community charge benefit subsidy;

(e)payments by the Secretary of State into the social fund under section 167(3) below;

(f)child benefit;

(g)Christmas bonus if the relevant qualifying benefit is payable out of such money;

(h)any sums falling to be paid by the Secretary of State under or by virtue of this Act by way of travelling expenses;

(i)any expenses of the Secretary of State in making payments under section 85, 97 or 99 above to the extent that he estimates that those payments relate to sums paid into the Consolidated Fund;

except in so far as they may be required by any enactment to be paid or borne in some other way.

(3)The administrative expenses referred to in subsection (2)(a) above include those in connection with any inquiry undertaken on behalf of the Secretary of State with a view to obtaining statistics relating to the operation of Parts I to VI and XI of the Contributions and Benefits Act.

(4)Any sums required by a secondary contributor for the purpose of paying any secondary Class 1 contributions which are payable by him in respect of an earner in consequence of the earner’s employment in an office of which the emoluments are payable out of the Consolidated Fund shall be paid out of that Fund.

(5)Any expenditure in respect of the payment of interest or repayment supplements under or by virtue of paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 to the Contributions and Benefits Act or paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to that Act shall be defrayed out of the National Insurance Fund in accordance with any directions given by the Treasury.