Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991

Part IIIS Improvements For Which No Consent Or Notice Required

19SChalking of land.


21SClaying of land or spreading blaes upon land.

22SLiming of land.

23SMarling of land.

24SEradication of bracken, whins, or gorse growing on the holding at the commencement of a tenancy and in the case of arable land the removal of tree roots, boulders, stones or other like obstacles to cultivation.

25SApplication to land of purchased artificial or other manure.

26SConsumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn, cake, or other feeding stuff not produced on the holding.

27SConsumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding.

28SLaying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin, or other seeds, sown more than 2 years prior to the termination of the tenancy, in so far as the value of the temporary pasture on the holding at the time of quitting exceeds the value of the temporary pasture on the holding at the commencement of the tenancy for which the tenant did not pay compensation.

29SRepairs to buildings, being buildings necessary for the proper cultivation or working of the holding, other than repairs which the tenant is himself under an obligation to execute.