
ABSTRACT OF SCHEDULES (A) and (B) to which this Act refers

Class XVIII 1990–91

SCHEDULE (B).—Part 20Class XVIII

Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1991, viz.:—

Sums not exceeding
Supply GrantsAppropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure by Her Majesty’s Treasury on economic and financial administration; on computers and general telecommunications; payments to certain parliamentary bodies and the National Economic Development Council; and certain other services including general expenses of certain Pay Review Bodies, expenses in connection with Honours and Dignities, and expenditure in connection with the sale of shares in British Petroleum77,531,00034,587,000
2. For expenditure by Her Majesty’s Treasury in connection with the manufacture, storage and distribution of coinage for use in the United Kingdom25,684,00013,300,000
3. For expenditure of the Civil Service Catering Organisation (HM Treasury) in connection with the provision of catering services1,00020,374,000
4. For rates and contributions in lieu of rates paid by the Rating of Government Property Department in respect of property occupied by the Crown and premises occupied by representatives of Commonwealth and foreign countries and international organisations215,300,000501,300,000
5. For expenditure by Her Majesty’s Treasury on the superannuation of civil servants, pensions, etc, in respect of former members of the Royal Irish Constabulary and other pensions and non-recurrent payments; and for certain other services1,499,400,000319,000,000
6. For expenditure by the Customs and Excise Department on the administration of taxation, the operation of customs and revenue controls and other customs and excise work640,926,00019,469,000
7. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department on the management and collection of the direct taxes; the provision of rating and valuation services; and services provided for other Departments (Including a Supplementary sum of £29,000,000)1,377,913,00062,401,000
8. For expenditure of the Inland Revenue Department on life assurance premium relief, mortgage interest relief and private medical insurance premium relief446,000,000
9. For expenditure of the Department for National Savings on administration and publicity costs174,169,0001,044,000
10. For expenditure on administrative costs by the Registry of Friendly Societies on behalf of the Building Societies Commission and the Central Office of the Registry2,205,0003,412,000
11. For expenditure by the National Debt Office and Public Works Loan Commission on administrative costs1,0001,551,000
12. For expenditure by the Paymaster General’s Office on administrative costs19,120,000782,000
13. For expenditure by the Central Statistical Office on the provision of national accounts and other statistics and on departmental administration27,394,0001,512,000
14. For expenditure by the Central Office of Information on home and overseas publicity1,084,000142,711,000
15. For the expenditure of the Department of the Government Actuary on administrative costs482,0003,368,000
16. For expenditure by the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office to compensate the HMSO Trading Fund for the provision of reports of Parliamentary debates at less than full cost, and for the price concessions to public libraries2,544,000
17. For expenditure by the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office on the reimbursement of the HMSO Trading Fund in respect of goods and services supplied to the Houses of Parliament and to United Kingdom members of the European Assembly21,259,000250,000
18. For the salaries of the Crown Estate Commissioners and the expenses of their Office1,132,000
19. For expenditure by HM Treasury to repay to the Contingencies Fund certain miscellaneous advances made during the year ended 31 March 1990 (New Estimate)158,000
Total, Class XVIII £4,532,303,0001,125,061,000