
School Boards

13Parents' meetings

(1)Where School Boards receive a request in writing from—

(a)30 parents of pupils in attendance at the school; or

(b)a number of such parents equal to at least one quarter of those who were entitled to vote at the most recently-held election of parent members,

whichever is less, they shall hold a meeting under this section.

(2)A meeting under this section may be requested in order to enable parents—

(a)to make inquiries and to discuss matters relating to the activities of the Board;

(b)to make resolutions relating to the activities of the Board,

and the request shall specify the purposes of the meeting and the matters to be raised or the resolutions which are to be proposed.

(3)On receiving a request for a meeting under this section a Board shall—

(a)fix the earliest practicable date for the meeting, having regard to the desirability of giving all parents of pupils in attendance at the school notice thereof; and

(b)send to every such parent, by post, a notice specifying—

(i)the date, time and place of the meeting;

(ii)the purposes for which the meeting has been requested; and

(iii)the matters which are to be raised and any resolution which is to be proposed.

(4)The Board shall arrange for such of their members as they think appropriate to attend a meeting under this section, and for one of their members to chair the meeting.

(5)Members of the Board, the headteacher, parents of pupils in attendance at the school and any other person invited by the Board may attend and speak at a meeting held under this section.

(6)The procedure at a meeting under this section shall be determined by the chairman, who may refuse to permit discussion of any matter or resolution not specified in the request under subsection (2) above.

(7)Only parents of pupils in attendance at the school may vote on any resolution put to a meeting under this section.

(8)The Board shall consider any resolution passed at a meeting under this section.