
Part VGrants

Revenue support grant

78Revenue support grant

(1)For each chargeable financial year the Secretary of State shall pay a grant (to be called revenue support grant) to receiving authorities and specified bodies in accordance with this Part.

(2)For each chargeable financial year the Secretary of State shall make a determination under this section.

(3)A determination shall state—

(a)the amount of the grant for the year,

(b)what amount of the grant he proposes to pay to receiving authorities, and

(c)what amount of the grant he proposes to pay to each specified body.

(4)Different amounts may be stated under subsection (3)(c) above in relation to different specified bodies.

(5)Before making a determination the Secretary of State shall—

(a)consult such representatives of local government as appear to him to be appropriate, and

(b)obtain the Treasury’s consent.

(6)A determination shall be specified in a report (to be called a revenue support grant report) and the report shall be laid before the House of Commons.

(7)As soon as is reasonably practicable after the report is laid before the House of Commons the Secretary of State shall send a copy of it to each notifiable authority.