Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985

Article 5U.K.

(1)The central authority in the State addressed shall take or cause to be taken without delay all steps which it considers to be appropriate, if necessary by instituting proceedings before its competent authorities, in order:

(a)to discover the whereabouts of the child;

(b)to avoid, in particular by any necessary provisional measures, prejudice to the interests of the child or of the applicant;

(c)to secure the recognition or enforcement of the decision;

(d)to secure the delivery of the child to the applicant where enforcement is granted;

(e)to inform the requesting authority of the measures taken and their results.

(2)Where the central authority in the State addressed has reason to believe that the child is in the territory of another Contracting State it shall send the documents directly and without delay to the central authority of that State.

(3)With the exception of the cost of repatriation, each Contracting State undertakes not to claim any payment from an applicant in respect of any measures taken under paragraph (1) of this Article by the central authority of that State on the applicant’s behalf, including the costs of proceedings and, where applicable, the costs incurred by the assistance of a lawyer.

(4)If recognition or enforcement is refused, and if the central authority of the State addressed considers that it should comply with a request by the applicant to bring in that State proceedings concerning the substance of the case, that authority shall use its best endeavours to secure the representation of the applicant in the proceedings under conditions no less favourable than those available to a person who is resident in and a national of that State and for this purpose it may, in particular, institute proceedings before its competent authorities.