

3Powers of court in action for aliment

(1)The court may, if it thinks fit, grant decree in an action for aliment, and in granting such decree shall have power—

(a)to order the making of periodical payments, whether for a definite or an indefinite period or until the happening of a specified event ;

(b)to order the making of alimentary payments of an occasional or special nature, including payments in respect of inlying, funeral or educational expenses;

(c)to backdate an award of aliment under this Act—

(i)to the date of the bringing of the action or to such later date as the court thinks fit; or

(ii)on special cause shown, to a date prior to the bringing of the action;

(d)to award less than the amount claimed even if the claim is undisputed.

(2)Nothing in subsection (1) above shall empower the court to substitute a lump sum for a periodical payment.