Dentists Act 1984

17Temporary registration

(1)Where the Council, with a view to permitting any person holding a recognised overseas diploma temporarily to practise dentistry in a particular post in a hospital or other institution, give a direction that he be registered as respects practice in that post in that hospital or institution for such period as may be specified in the direction, that person shall be entitled to be registered in the dentists register in accordance with this Act subject to the entry against his name of the restrictions specified in the direction.

(2)No direction shall be given under this section unless the persons concerned has satisfied the registrar as to the following matters, namely—

(a)his identity;

(b)that he is of good character;

(c)that he has the requisite knowledge and skill for the efficient practice of dentistry in the post in question ;

(d)that he has the necessary knowledge of English; and

(e)that he is in good health, both physically and mentally.

(3)An applicant for registration under this section has the necessary knowledge of English if he has the knowledge which, in the interests of himself and his patients, is necessary for the practice of dentistry in the United Kingdom.

(4)Registration under this section shall not make it lawful for a person to practise dentistry otherwise than subject to the restrictions specified in the relevant direction nor constitute him a registered dentist for the purposes of Schedule 1 to this Act.

(5)The Council may direct that for the purposes of this section a particular person who has passed the examinations required to obtain a recognised overseas diploma shall be treated as a person holding a recognised overseas diploma.