Dentists Act 1984

Use of titles and descriptions

26Use of titles and descriptions

(1)A registered dentist shall by virtue of being registered be entitled to take and use the description of dentist, dental surgeon or dental practitioner.

(2)A registered dentist shall not take or use, or affix to or use in connection with his premises, any title or description reasonably calculated to suggest that he possesses any professional status or qualification other than a professional status or qualification which he in fact possesses and which is indicated by particulars entered in the register in respect of him.

(3)If the Council are of opinion that any branch of dentistry has become so distinctive that it would be for the convenience of the public or of the dental profession that registered dentists qualified to practise, or practising, in that branch of dentistry should use a distinctive title, they may by regulations prescribe appropriate titles and conditions under which they may be used; and the use of a prescribed title under the prescribed conditions shall not constitute a contravention of subsection (2) above.

(4)In the case of any prescribed title regulations under subsection (3) above may provide—

(a)for a list to be kept by the Council of the names of registered dentists who are qualified under such regulations to use that title; and

(b)for any registered dentist who is so qualified to be entitled to have his name entered in the fist;

and where regulations so provide as aforesaid nothing in that subsection shall permit that title to be used by any such dentist unless his name has been entered in the list.

(5)If an abbreviated form of a diploma granted in a country overseas is under section 20 above entered against a person's name in the dentists register, that person shall not take or use, or affix to or use in connection with his premises, any other abbreviation of that diploma.

(6)Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (5) above shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the third level on the standard scale.

(7)The Council shall cause a correct copy of any list for the time being kept by them in pursuance of subsection (4) above to be appended to any copy of the dentists register printed, published and sold in accordance with section 22 above.