

SCHEDULE 1Provisions as to Transfers of Property, Rights and Liabilities

Allocation of property, rights and liabilities

1(1)The provisions of this paragraph and paragraph 2 below shall have effect where a transfer to which this Schedule applies is a transfer of all property, rights and liabilities comprised in a prescribed part of the transferor's undertaking, but shall not apply to any such rights or liabilities under a contract of employment.

(2)Any property, right or liability comprised partly in the part of the transferor's undertaking which is transferred to the transferee and partly in the part of that undertaking which is retained by the transferor shall, where the nature of the property, right or liability permits, be divided or apportioned between the transferor and the transferee in such proportions as may be appropriate ; and, where any estate or interest in land falls to be so divided—

(a)any rent payable under a lease in respect of that estate or interest; and

(b)any rent charged on that estate or interest,

shall be correspondingly apportioned or divided so that the one part is payable in respect of, or charged on, only one part of the estate or interest and the other part is payable in respect of, or charged on, only the other part of the estate or interest.

(3)Sub-paragraph (2) above shall apply, with any necessary modifications, in relation to any feuduty payable in respect of an estate or interest in land in Scotland as it applies in relation to any rents charged on an estate or interest in land.

(4)Any property, right or liability comprised as mentioned in sub-paragraph (2) above the nature of which does not permit its division or apportionment as so mentioned shall be transferred to the transferee or retained by the transferor according to—

(a)in the case of an estate or interest in land, whether on the transfer date the transferor or the transferee appears to be in greater need of the security afforded by that estate or interest or, where neither appears to be in greater need of that security, whether on that date the transferor or the transferee appears likely to make use of the land to the greater extent;

(b)in the case of any other property or any right or liability, whether on the transfer date the transferor or the transferee appears likely to make use of the property, or as the case may be to be affected by the right or liability, to the greater extent,

subject (in either case) to such arrangements for the protection of the other of them as may be agreed between them.

2(1)It shall be the duty of the transferor and the transferee, whether before or after the transfer date, so far as practicable to arrive at such written agreements and to execute such other instruments as are necessary or expedient to identify or define the properly, rights and liabilities transferred to the transferee or retained by the transferor and as will—

(a)afford to the transferor and the transferee as against one another such rights and safeguards as they may require for the proper discharge of their respective functions ; and

(b)make as from such date, not being earlier than the transfer date, as may be specified in the agreement or instrument such clarification and modifications of the division of the transferor's undertaking as will best serve the proper discharge of the respective functions of the transferor and the transferee.

(2)Any such agreement shall provide so far as it is expedient—

(a)for the granting of leases and for the creation of other liabilities and rights over land whether amounting in law to interests in land or not, and whether involving the surrender of any existing interest or the creation of a new interest or not;

(b)for the granting of indemnities in connection with the severance of leases and other matters ; and

(c)for responsibility for registration of any matter in any statutory register.

(3)If the transferor or the transferee represents to the Secretary of State, or if it appears to the Secretary of State without such a representation, that it is unlikely in the case of any matter on which agreement is required under sub-paragraph (1) above that such agreement will be reached, the Secretary of State may, whether before or after the transfer date, give a direction determining that matter and may include in the direction any provision which might have been included in an agreement under sub-paragraph (1) above ; and any property, rights or liabilities required by the direction to be transferred to the transferee shall be regarded as having been transferred by the scheme to, and by virtue thereof vested in, the transferee accordingly.