

SCHEDULE 3Power to Slaughter in Relation to Certain Diseases


4(1)The Minister may, if he thinks fit, in any case cause to be slaughtered—

(a)any swine affected with swine-fever, or suspected of being so affected; and

(b)any swine which are or have been in the same field, pig-sty, shed, or other place, or in the same herd, or otherwise in contact with swine affected with swine-fever, or which appear to the Minister to have been in any way exposed to the infection of swine-fever.

(2)The Minister shall for animals slaughtered under this paragraph pay compensation as follows—

(a)where the animal slaughtered was affected with swine-fever, the compensation shall be one half of the value of the animal immediately before it became so affected ;

(b)in every other case the compensation shall be the value of the animal immediately before it was slaughtered.