Animal Health Act 1981

Diseases of poultry

5(1)The Minister may, if he thinks fit, cause to be slaughtered—

(a)any diseased or suspected poultry ; or

(b)any poultry which are or have been in the same field, pen, shed or other place as, or otherwise in contact with, diseased poultry or which appear to the Minister to have been in any way exposed to the infection of disease.

(2)The Minister shall for poultry, other than diseased poultry, slaughtered under this paragraph pay compensation, which shall be the value of the bird immediately before it was slaughtered.

(3)The Minister may by order prescribe the payment of compensation in accordance with a scale approved by the Treasury for diseased poultry slaughtered under this paragraph, being poultry affected with any disease other than fowl pest in any of its forms, including Newcastle disease and fowl plague.