Animal Health Act 1981

2(1)The Ministers may make orders for the following purposes—

(a)for adding to paragraph 5 below any therapeutic substance capable of being used for veterinary purposes, the purity or potency of which cannot be adequately tested by chemical means;

(b)for prohibiting, except under a licence for the purpose issued by the appropriate Minister and in accordance with any conditions subject to which the licence is issued, the manufacture for sale or the importation, into Great Britain of any such substance to which this Schedule applies as may be specified in the order ;

(c)for prescribing the standard of strength, quality and purity of any substance in respect of which an order made for the purpose last mentioned is in force ;

(d)for prescribing the tests to be used for determining whether the standard prescribed as mentioned above has been attained;

(e)for prescribing units of standardisation ;

(f)for prescribing the form of licences and of applications for them, and of notices to be given in connection with them ;

(g)for prescribing the conditions subject to which licences may be issued, including, in the case of a licence to manufacture conditions that the manufacture shall be carried on only upon the premises specified in the licence and that the licensee shall allow any inspector authorised by the Minister in that behalf to enter any premises where the manufacture is carried on, and to inspect the premises and plant and the process of manufacture and the means employed for standardising and testing the manufactured substance and to take samples of it;

(h)for prescribing any other matter which under this Schedule is to be prescribed.

(2)The Ministers may make orders as respects any such substance to which this Schedule applies as may be specified in the order—

(a)requiring that, if advertised or sold as a proprietary medicine or contained in such medicine, such accepted scientific name or name descriptive of the true nature or origin of the substance as may be prescribed shall appear on the. label;

(b)requiring that the date of the manufacture shall be stated in the prescribed manner on all vessels or other packages in which the substance is sold or offered for sale, and prohibiting the sale of the substance after the expiry of the prescribed period from the date of manufacture;

(c)prohibiting the sale or the offering for sale or the importation of the substance otherwise than in a vessel or other container of such character as may be prescribed, and requiring that the prescribed label or other description shall be affixed to such vessel or container.