Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981

15Duration of licences

(1)There shall be specified in every PSV operator's licence the date on which the licence is to come into force and the date on which it is to expire; and, subject to subsection (2) below, the last-mentioned date shall be such as will make the duration of the licence such period not exceeding five years as the traffic commissioners on granting the licence consider appropriate in the circumstances.

(2)Traffic commissioners on granting a PSV operator's licence may direct that the duration of the licence shall be such period not exceeding five years as is in the opinion of the commissioners desirable in order to arrange a reasonably convenient programme of work for the commissioners.

(3)If, immediately before a PSV operator's licence is due to expire, proceedings are pending before the traffic commissioners on an application by the holder of that licence for the grant to him of a new licence in substitution for it, the existing licence shall continue in force until the application is disposed of, but without prejudice to the exercise in the meantime of the powers conferred by section 17 of this Act.

(4)Where an application is made to the traffic commissioners by the holder of a PSV operator's licence for the grant to him of a new licence to take effect on the expiry of the existing licence and the traffic commissioners decide not to grant the new licence, they may direct that the existing licence continue in force for such period as appears to them reasonably required to enable the business carried on under the licence to be transferred to another person duly licensed to carry it on.