Magistrates' Courts Act 1980

Section 76.

SCHEDULE 4Maximum Periods of Imprisonment in Default of Payment

1Subject to the following provisions of this Schedule, the periods set out in the second column of the following Table shall be the maximum periods applicable respectively to the amounts set out opposite thereto, being amounts due at the time the imprisonment is imposed.


An amount not exceeding £25.7 days
An amount exceeding £25 but not exceeding £5014 days
An amount exceeding £50 but not exceeding £20030 days
An amount exceeding £200 but not exceeding £50060 days
An amount exceeding £500 but not exceeding £1,00090 days
An amount exceeding £1,000 but not exceeding £2,5006 months
An amount exceeding £2,500 but not exceeding £5,0009 months
An amount exceeding £5,00012 months

2(1)Where the amount due at the time imprisonment is imposed is so much of a sum adjudged to be paid by a summary conviction as remains due after part payment, then, subject to sub-paragraph (2) below, the maximum period applicable to the amount shall be the period applicable to the whole sum reduced by such number of days as bears to the total number of days therein the same proportion as the part paid bears to the whole sum.

(2)In calculating the reduction required under sub-paragraph (1) above any fraction of a day shall be left out of account and the maximum period shall not be reduced to less than 5 days.

3The maximum period applicable to a sum of any amount enforceable as a civil debt shall be 6 weeks.