
PART IIIIncome Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax

32Expenses in connection with work done abroad

(1)Subsections (2) and (3) below apply where a person (" the employee ") who is resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom holds an office or employment (" the overseas employment") the duties of which are performed wholly outside the United Kingdom and the emoluments from which are not foreign emoluments within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule E.

(2)For the purposes of section 189(1) of the Taxes Act (deduction for certain expenses) there shall be treated as having been necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of the overseas employment expenses of the employee in travelling from the United Kingdom to take up the overseas employment and in returning to the United Kingdom on its termination; and if travel is partly for a purpose mentioned in this subsection and partly for another purpose this subsection applies only to such part of the expenses as is properly attributable to the former purpose.

(3)Where, for the purpose of enabling the employee to perform the duties of the overseas employment,—

(a)board and lodging outside the United Kingdom is provided for him and the cost of it is borne by or on behalf of his employer ; or

(b)he incurs expenses out of the emoluments of the employment on such board and lodging for himself and those expenses are reimbursed by or on behalf of his employer,

there shall be allowed, in charging tax under Case I of Schedule E on the emoluments from that employment, a deduction of an amount equal to so much of that cost or, as the case may be, those expenses as falls to be included in those emoluments.

Where board and lodging is partly for the purpose mentioned in this subsection and partly for another purpose, this subsection applies only to such part of the cost or expenses as is properly attributable to the former purpose.

(4)Subsection (5) below applies where a person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom—

(a)holds two or more offices or employments the duties of one or more of which are performed wholly or partly outside the United Kingdom ; and

(b)travels from one place having performed there duties of one office or employment to another place for the purpose of performing duties of another office or employment (the emoluments from which are not foreign emoluments within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule E),

and either or both of those places is outside the United Kingdom.

(5)For the purposes of section 189(1) of the Taxes Act (deduction for certain expenses) expenses incurred by such a person on such travel shall be treated as having been necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties which he is to perform at his destination ; and if travel is partly for the purpose of performing those duties and partly for another purpose this subsection applies only to such part of the expenses as is properly attributable to the former purpose.

(6)Subsection (7) below applies where a person is absent from the United Kingdom for a continuous period of 60 days or more for the purpose of performing the duties of one or more offices or employments and applies to travel of the following descriptions between the United Kingdom and the place of performance of those duties, that is to say—

(a)any journey by his spouse or any child of his—

(i)accompanying him at the beginning of the period of absence ; or

(ii)to visit him during that period ;

(b)any journey by him at the end of that period to visit his spouse or any child of his ;

(c)any return journey following a journey of a kind described in paragraph (a) or (b) above ;

but that subsection does not extend to more than two journeys in each direction by the same person in any year of assessment.

For the purposes of this subsection " child " includes a stepchild, an adopted child and an illegitimate child but does not include a person who is aged 18 or over at the beginning of the outward journey.


(a)travel facilities are provided for any such journey and the cost of them is borne by or on behalf of the employer; or

(b)expenses are incurred out of the emoluments of any such office or employment on any such journey and those expenses are reimbursed by or on behalf of the employer,

there shall be allowed, in charging tax under Case I of Schedule E on the emoluments from that office or employment, a deduction of an amount equal to so much of that cost or, as the case may be, those expenses as falls to be included in those emoluments.

(8)References in the Income Tax Acts to section 189 of the Taxes Act and to deductions allowable under Chapter I of Part VIII of that Act shall be construed as including a reference to subsections (3) and (7) above and to deductions allowable under those subsections.

(9)This section has effect for the year 1977-78 and subsequent years of assessment.