
The National Dock Labour Board

2General duty of the Board

(1)The Board, having regard to the public interest, shall keep under review such economic and industrial developments as appear to them to affect, or be likely to affect, the performance of work classified under this Act as dock work.

(2)In the light of those developments they shall consider—

(a)whether current classifications are satisfactory and, if not, the respects in which they could with advantage be altered;

(b)what (if any) measures should be taken for improving co-operation between dock employers and dock workers and thereby the efficiency with which such work is performed.

(3)They shall also keep under review—

(a)the extent to which the skills, aptitudes and experience of dock workers are adequately deployed, having regard to the amount of such work that is available; and

(b)the need (if any) to adjust the strength and disposition of the labour force ;

and they shall submit to the Secretary of State from time to time reports and proposals for action.

(4)In formulating any such proposal, the Board shall examine—

(a)methods of recruitment and training ;

(b)in so far as they are of opinion that the labour force exceeds the foreseeable requirement, the ways in which it can be reduced or re-deployed, or other changes can be implemented, without avoidable hardship to the workers concerned; and

(c)the probable cost to employers of implementing the proposal.

(5)In respect of the matters mentioned above in this section, and cognate matters, the Board shall maintain regular consultation with the National Ports Council, and with others appearing to the Board to be concerned.

(6)The Board are responsible for advising the Secretary of State from time to time in respect of those matters, as and when he may seek such advice or the Board think any aspect of them ought to be drawn to his attention; and the Board shall also make their advice available to other persons appearing to them to have an interest.