
12Financial assistance to crofters, cottars and certain owner occupiers

(1)The Secretary of State may provide assistance under section 22(2) of the Act of 1955 but not in respect of buildings other than dwelling-houses to—

(a)a person, being a crofter who has acquired the site of the dwelling-house on or pertaining to his croft after the passing of this Act;

(b)the nominee of such a person, being a member of his family, to whom the site was conveyed by the landlord of the croft;

(c)a member of such a person's family who has acquired the title to the site from that person or such nominee ;

(d)a person, being a cottar who has acquired the site of the dwelling-house on or pertaining to his subject after the passing of this Act;

for a period of seven years from the date of the acquisition from the landlord.

(2)The Secretary of State may provide assistance under the said section 22(2) or under section 31(1) of the Act of 1955 (building grants and loans to owner-occupiers of like economic status as crofters) towards the provision or improvement of roads, or water or electricity or gas supplies.

(3)The provisions of Schedule 3 to the Act of 1955 (provisions as to security etc. of loans) shall apply in relation to any loan made under the said section 22(2) by virtue of subsection (1) above.

(4)Where a person other than the landlord was infeft in the site of the dwelling-house immediately before the conveyance, the reference in subsection (1)(b) above to the landlord shall be construed as a reference to the landlord and such other person for their respective rights.

(5)If any person, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person, a grant or loan under a scheme made under section 22(1) of the Act of 1955 or under the said section 22(2), knowingly or recklessly makes a false statement he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £400.

(6)Any scheme made under the said section 22(1) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent scheme made in like manner.