Reservoirs Act 1975

26Reservoirs constructed before commencement of previous Act

(1)Where the construction of a large raised reservoir (whether as a new reservoir or by the alteration of an existing reservoir that was not a large raised reservoir) was completed before the commencement of the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930 and the reservoir was not inspected under that Act, then unless section 25(1) or (5) above applies by reason of any alteration of the reservoir increasing its capacity, the first inspection of the reservoir under this Act shall be made as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Act.

(2)Where the construction of a large raised reservoir (whether as a new reservoir or by the alteration of an existing reservoir that was not a large raised reservoir) was completed before the commencement of the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930, then on the first inspection of the reservoir under this Act the inspecting engineer shall annex to his report drawings and descriptions giving, so far as he can, the like information of the works actually constructed at any time before the commencement of that Act (and not removed on any subsequent alteration increasing the capacity of the reservoir) as would have been annexed to a certificate under section 7(6) above.

(3)Where subsection (2) above applies on the inspection of a reservoir, any reference in section 20 or section 21(5) above to an inspecting engineer's report shall include the annex, and section 20(4)(b) shall apply whether or not the report is stated in the inspecting engineer's certificate to include a recommendation as to measures to be taken in the interests of safety.