Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1975

333Offences by companies, etc.

With regard to the summary prosecution of offences committed by a company, association, incorporation or body of trustees, the following provisions shall, without prejudice to any other or wider powers conferred by statute, apply:—

(a)proceedings may be taken against the company, association, incorporation or body of trustees in their corporate capacity, and in that event any penalty imposed shall be recovered by civil diligence in manner hereinafter provided; or

(b)proceedings may be taken against an individual representative of such company, association or incorporation as follows:—

(i)in the case of an ordinary company or firm, any one of the partners thereof, or the manager or the person in charge or locally in charge of the affairs thereof, may be dealt with as if he was the person offending;

(ii)in the case of an association, incorporation or incorporated company, the managing director or the secretary or other person in charge, or locally in charge, of the affairs thereof, may be dealt with as if he was the person offending;

(iii)the offence shall be deemed to be the offence of such company, association or incorporation.