Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1975

123Amendment of indictment

(1)No trial shall fail or the ends of justice be allowed to be defeated by reason of any discrepancy or variance between the indictment and the evidence.

(2)It shall be competent at any time prior to the determination of the case, unless the court see just cause to the contrary, to amend the indictment by deletion, alteration or addition, so as to cure any error or defect therein, or to meet any objection thereto, or to cure any discrepancy or variance between the indictment and the evidence.

(3)Nothing in this section shall authorise an amendment which changes the character of the offence charged, and, if the court shall be of opinion that the accused may in any way be prejudiced in his defence on the merits of the case by any amendment made under this section, the court shall grant such remedy to the accused by adjournment or otherwise as to the court may seem just.

(4)An amendment made under this section shall be sufficiently authenticated by the initials of the clerk of court.