

SCHEDULE 3Composition of Juries


8Any woman summoned to serve on a jury shall be entitled to apply to be exempted from service on account of pregnancy or other feminine condition or ailment, subject to the following conditions:—

(a)Application for exemption shall be made by her to the clerk of the court in which the second diet is to be called, or in any case in the High Court to the Clerk of Justiciary, as soon as may be after receipt of the citation, and unless on special cause shown not later than the third day before the date of said diet, and the same shall be supported by evidence (by a medical certificate or otherwise) vouching to the satisfaction of the said clerk that the applicant is or will be, by reason of pregnancy or some other feminine condition or ailment, unfit to attend and serve as a juror at the trial.

(b)Applications duly made as herein provided for shall be dealt with by the said clerk, who shall have power to dispose of them after such consultation with a judge competent to try the case as he may think necessary. Intimation of the granting or refusal of the application shall be made to the applicant by the clerk.

(c)Any such juror whose application for exemption is granted shall as regards liability for future jury service be in the same position as if she had not been included in the list of the assize on which she is exempted from serving.

9Every citation upon a woman to attend as a juror shall contain a notification as nearly as may be in terms of the appropriate form contained in an Act of Adjournal under this Act.

10Nothing herein contained shall prejudice—

(a)the right of the judge presiding at any trial at any time before the jury is empanelled to grant exemption in his discretion to a woman from serving as a juror in any case in respect of any of the reasons provided for in section 100 of this Act; nor

(b)any power presently exercised by any clerk of court or the Clerk of Justiciary, or by any judge presiding at a trial, to excuse at any time any person summoned to attend as a juror from attendance.