

SCHEDULE 2Joint Advisory Committees and Sub-Committees


Joint Advisory Committees

1Any two or more local planning authorities may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, concur in establishing a joint advisory committee for the purpose of advising those authorities as to the preparation of structure plans and local plans and generally as to the planning of development in their districts; and any such committee shall be constituted in such manner as may be determined by the authorities by whom it is established:

Provided that a majority of the members of any such committee shall be members of one or other of those authorities.

2If it appears to the Secretary of State to be expedient that a joint advisory committee or any two or more local planning authorities should be established in accordance with the last foregoing paragraph, he may, after consultation with those authorities, by order establish such a committee, and any such order may—

(a)provide for the reference to the committee of such matters as may be specified in the order;

(b)make such incidental and consequential provisions (including provision for the payment of expenses of the committee and the transfer and compensation of officers), as appear to the Secretary of State to be expedient

3Any power conferred by this Part of this Schedule to establish and constitute a joint advisory committee shall include power to dissolve or alter the constitution of such committee and to vary the reference to the committee.