
Miscellaneous powers

13Powers in relation to Secretary of State's land

(1)Where land acquired by the Secretary of State under this Act, or vested in him in consequence of Part I of the [1960 c. 18.] Local Employment Act 1960, is situated in a locality which is not a development area or intermediate area, the Secretary of State may exercise in relation to the land the following powers, that is to say—

(a)power to preserve and maintain the land and any buildings or works on it, and to erect buildings and carry out works on it;

(b)where there are buildings on the land, power to acquire by agreement other land contiguous or adjacent to it for the purpose of erecting thereon extensions to those buildings or of erecting thereon other buildings to be used with the first-mentioned buildings as part of a single undertaking;

(c)power to provide means of access, services and other facilities for meeting the requirements of undertakings carried on or to be carried on on the land (including requirements arising from the needs of persons employed or to be employed therein).

(2)The Secretary of State may modernise, adapt or reconstruct any buildings or other works on land acquired by him under this Act, or vested in him in consequence of Part I of the [1960 c. 18.] Local Employment Act 1960, and, where the execution of that work will interrupt the use of the buildings or works by any undertaking, acquire other land by agreement, and erect buildings and carry out works on that other land, or on land previously acquired by or vested in the Secretary of State as aforesaid, for the purpose of providing premises for the occupation of that undertaking or of otherwise meeting its requirements.

(3)The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply to land acquired by the Secretary of State under section 8 of this Act so far as applicable to derelict land clearance areas, but where land so acquired is situated in a locality which is not a derelict land clearance area the Secretary of State shall have power, so long as he owns the land, to carry out thereon such work as appears to him expedient for the purpose of enabling so much of the land as appears to him to be derelict, neglected or unsightly to be brought into use or of improving its appearance, with a view to contributing to the development of industry in the locality in which it is situated.

14Powers where locality ceases to be development area, intermediate area or derelict land clearance area

(1)Where at any time a locality ceases to be a development area, intermediate area or derelict land clearance area, the fact that it is no longer such an area shall not prejudice—

(a)the completion by the Secretary of State of buildings or works begun before that time in the locality under section 5 or 8 of this Act, or the exercise by the Secretary of State in relation to land in that locality of his powers under either of those sections so far as may be necessary for the purpose of fulfilling any agreement entered into by the Secretary of State before that time;

(b)the making under this Act of any grant or loan or the giving of assistance under section 4 of this Act in any case in which an application for the grant, loan or assistance was received by the Secretary of State (or the appropriate Minister for the purpose of section 8) before that time; or

(c)the continued operation of any agreement relating to any such grant, loan or assistance as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of this section or of any other agreement relating to grants or loans entered into under this Act.

(2)In subsection (1) of this section " grant" does not include a grant under section 3 of this Act but where at any time a development area ceases to be such without becoming an intermediate area, or an intermediate area ceases to be such without becoming a development area, it shall be treated as continuing to be a development area or, as the case may be, intermediate area—

(a)for the purpose of enabling grants to be made under that section on applications received by the Secretary of State before that time, or in respect of expenditure any part of which was incurred by the applicant under a contract entered into before that time; and

(b)for the purpose of the continued operation of any agreement relating to any grant under that section.

In this subsection, references to development areas and intermediate areas include references to parts of development areas and intermediate areas.

15Additional powers for safeguarding loans

(1)Where in the case of any undertaking a loan has been made under this Act and the Secretary of State is satisfied, in accordance with recommendations of the advisory committee, that with a view to enabling all or part of the moneys lent to be recovered it is expedient to provide further financial assistance for the purposes of the undertaking, the Secretary of State may provide such further assistance of such amount and on such terms and conditions as may be recommended by the committee.

(2)Section 4(5) of this Act shall apply in relation to recommendations under this section.