Superannuation Act 1972

Persons employed in the civil service, etc.

1Superannuation schemes as respects civil servants, etc.

(1)The Minister for the Civil Service (in this Act referred to as " the Minister ")—

(a)may make, maintain, and administer schemes (whether contributory or not) whereby provision is made with respect to the pensions, allowances or gratuities which, subject to the fulfilment of such requirements and conditions as may be prescribed by the scheme, are to be paid, or may be paid, by the Minister to or in respect of such of the persons to whom this section applies as he may determine ;

(b)may, in relation to such persons as any such scheme may provide, pay or receive transfer values ;

(c)may make, in such circumstances as any such scheme may provide, payments by way of a return of contributions, with or without interest; and

(d)may make such payments as he thinks fit towards the provision, otherwise than by virtue of such a scheme, of superannuation benefits for or in respect of such of the persons to whom this section applies as he may determine.

(2)The Minister may, to such extent and subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, delegate to any other Minister or officer of the Crown any functions exercisable by him by virtue of this section or any scheme made thereunder.

(3)Before making any scheme under this section the Minister, or, if the Minister so directs in relation to a particular scheme, another Minister of the Crown specified in the direction, shall consult with persons appearing to the Minister or that other Minister, as the case may be, to represent persons likely to be affected by the proposed scheme or with the last-mentioned persons.

(4)This section applies to persons serving—

(a)in employment in the civil service of the State ; or

(b)in employment of any of the kinds listed in Schedule 1 to this Act; or

(c)in an office so listed.

(5)Subject to subsection (6) below, the Minister may by order—

(a)add any employment to those listed in the said Schedule 1, being employment by a body or in an institution specified in the order,

(b)add any office so specified to the offices so listed, or

(c)remove any employment or office from the employments or offices so listed.

(6)No employment or office shall be added to those listed in the said Schedule 1 unless the remuneration of persons serving in that employment or office is paid out of moneys provided by Parliament or the Consolidated Fund.

(7)Notwithstanding subsection (6) above, the Minister may by order provide that this section shall apply to persons serving in employment which is remunerated out of a fund specified in the order, being a fund established by or under an Act of Parliament.

(8)An order under subsection (5) or (7) above—

(a)may be made so as to have effect as from a date before the making of the order ;

(b)may include transitional and other supplemental provisions ;

(c)may vary or revoke a previous order made under that subsection; and

(d)shall be made by statutory instrument, which shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

2Further provisions relating to schemes under s. 1

(1)A scheme under section 1 of this Act which makes provision with respect to the pensions, allowances or gratuities "which are to be, or may be, paid to or in respect of a person to whom that section applies and who is incapacitated or dies as a result of an injury sustained, or disease contracted, in circumstances prescribed by the scheme may make the like provision in relation to any other person, being a person who is employed in a civil capacity for the purposes of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, whether temporarily or permanently and whether for reward or not, or is a person holding office in that Government and who is incapacitated or dies as a result of an injury or disease so sustained or contracted.

(2)Any scheme under the said section 1 may make provision for the payment by the Minister of pensions, allowances or gratuities by way of compensation to or in respect of persons—

(a)to whom that section applies ; and

(b)who suffer loss of office or employment, or loss or diminution of emoluments, in such circumstances, or by reason of the happening of such an event, as may be prescribed by the scheme.

(3)No scheme under the said section 1 shall make any provision which would have the effect of reducing the amount of any pension, allowance or gratuity, in so far as that amount is calculated by reference to service rendered before the coming into operation of the scheme, or of reducing the length of any service so rendered, unless the persons consulted in accordance with section 1 (3) of this Act have agreed to the inclusion of that provision.

(4)Subject to subsection (3) above, any scheme under the said section 1, or any provision thereof, may be framed—

(a)so as to have effect as from a date earlier than the date on which the scheme is made ; or

(b)so as to apply in relation to the pensions, allowances or gratuities paid or payable to or in respect of persons who, having been persons to whom the said section 1 applies, have died or ceased to be persons to whom that section applies before the scheme comes into operation; or

(c)so as to require or authorise the payment of pensions, allowances or gratuities to or in respect of such persons.

(5)Where an order has been made under section 1(7) of this Act, any scheme under that section may provide for the payment' to the Minister out of the fund specified in the order of benefits or other sums paid by him in accordance with the scheme to or in respect of persons to whom that section applies by virtue of the order, together with any administrative expenses incurred in connection with the payment of those sums, and for the payment into that fund of contributions paid in accordance with the scheme by or in respect of those persons and of any transfer values received in respect of them.

(6)Any scheme under the said section 1 may provide for the determination by the Minister of questions arising under the scheme and may provide that the decision of the Minister on any such question shall be final.

(7)Where under any such scheme any question falls to be determined by the Minister, then, at any time before the question is determined, the Minister may (and if so directed by any of the Courts hereinafter mentioned shall) state in the form of a special case for determination by the High Court, the Court of Session or the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland any question of law arising out of the question which falls to be determined by him.

(8)Where such a case is stated for determination by the High Court, an appeal to the Court of Appeal from the determination by the High Court shall lie only with the leave of the High Court or of the Court of Appeal; and where such a case is stated for determination by the Court of Session then, subject to any rules of court, the Minister shall be entitled to appear and be heard when the case is being considered by that Court.

(9)Any scheme under the said section 1 may amend or revoke any previous scheme made thereunder.

(10)Different schemes may be made under the said section 1 in relation to different classes of persons to whom that section applies, and in this section " the principal civil service pension scheme" means the principal scheme so made relating to persons serving in employment in the home civil service or the diplomatic service.

(11)Before a scheme made under the said section 1, being the principal civil service pension scheme or a scheme amending or revoking that scheme, comes into operation the Minister shall lay a copy of the scheme before Parliament.

(12)Notwithstanding any repeal made by this Act, the existing civil service superannuation provisions, that is to say, the enactments and instruments listed in Schedule 2 to this Act, shall, with the necessary adaptations and modifications, have effect as from the commencement of this Act as if they constituted a scheme made under the said section 1 in relation to the persons to whom that section applies, being the principal civil service pension scheme, and coming into operation on the said commencement and may be revoked or amended accordingly.

3Recovery in certain circumstances of payments by way of injury allowances

(1)The following provisions of this section shall have effect where a scheme under section 1 of this Act provides for the payment of a pension, allowance or gratuity to or in respect of a person who is incapacitated or dies as a result of an injury sustained or disease contracted in circumstances prescribed by the scheme, and a pension, allowance or gratuity is paid in accordance with the scheme to or in respect of a person in consequence of an injury or disease so sustained or contracted or of a death resulting from such injury or disease.

(2)If the scheme requires the Minister to take into account, as against any sums otherwise payable under the scheme, any damages which are recovered or recoverable by or on behalf of the recipient of the pension, allowance or gratuity granted in consequence of the injury, disease or death, being damages in respect of that injury, disease or death, and the Minister makes any payments without taking such damages into account, then if and when the Minister is satisfied that there are any damages to be so taken into account, he shall have the right to recover from the recipient—

(a)where the amount of the payments made by the Minister is less than the net amount of the damages, the amount of those payments;

(b)where the amount of those payments is not less than the net amount of the damages, such part of those payments as is equal to the net amount of the damages.

(3)So far as any amount recoverable under this section represents a payment made by the Minister from which income tax has been deducted before payment, the proper allowance shall be made in respect of the amount so deducted, and in this section " the net amount of the damages" means the amount of the damages after deducting any tax payable in the United Kingdom or elsewhere to which the damages are subject.

(4)No proceedings shall be brought to recover any amount under this section—

(a)after the death of the recipient of the payments; or

(b)after the expiration of two years from the date on which the amount of the damages taken into account in arriving at the amount so recoverable is finally determined (whether in court proceedings or in arbitration proceedings or by agreement between the parties) or from the date on which the final determination of that amount first came to the knowledge of the Minister, whichever date is the later.

(5)A certificate issued by the Minister and stating the date on which the final determination of any amount of damages first came to his knowledge shall be admissible in any proceedings as sufficient evidence of that date.

(6)The provisions of this section are without prejudice to any right of the Minister under any such scheme to take damages into account by withholding or reducing any further sums otherwise payable to the recipient of the pension, allowance or gratuity.

4Payments due to deceased persons

(1)Where on the death of any person there is due to the deceased or his personal representatives from a government department a sum, not exceeding £500, in respect of salary, wages or other emoluments or of superannuation benefits payable by virtue of a scheme made under section 1 of this Act, probate or other proof of the title of the personal representatives of the deceased may be dispensed with, and the appropriate authority may pay the whole or any part of that sum to those representatives or to the person, or to or among any one or more of any persons, appearing to that authority to be beneficially entitled to the personal or movable estate of the deceased; and any person to whom such a payment is made, and not the appropriate authority, shall thereafter be liable to account for the amount paid to him under this subsection.

(2)Subsection (1) above shall be included among the provisions with respect to which the Treasury may make an order under section 6(1) of the [1965 c. 32.] Administration of Estates (Small Payments) Act 1965 substituting for references to £500 such higher amount as may be specified in the order.

(3)The reference to a government department in subsection (1) above shall be construed as including a reference to a body or institution listed in Schedule 1 to this Act.

(4)In this section " the appropriate authority", in relation to any sum, means the Minister in charge of the government department, the body, or the trustees or other authority responsible for the institution, as the case may be, from whom that sum is due.

5Benefits under civil service superannuation schemes not assignable

(1)Any assignment (or, in Scotland, assignation) of or charge on, and any agreement to assign or charge, any benefit payable under a scheme made under section 1 of this Act shall be void.

(2)Nothing in subsection (1) above shall affect the powers of any court under section 51(2) of the [1914 c. 59.] Bankruptcy Act 1914 or section 148 of the [1913 c. 20.] Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1913 (bankrupt's salary, pension, etc. may be ordered to be paid to the trustee in bankruptcy) or under any enactment applying to Northern Ireland (including an enactment of the Parliament of Northern Ireland) and corresponding to the said section 51(2).

6Power to repeal or amend Acts, etc.

(1)The Minister may by order repeal or amend any provision in any Act of Parliament, whether public general, local or private, including an Act confirming a provisional order, or in any order or other instrument made under any such Act, where it appears to him that that provision is inconsistent with, or has become unnecessary or requires modification in consequence of, any provision of section 1 or 2 of this Act or of any scheme made under the said section 1 or any repeal made by this Act in consequence of the enactment of those sections.

(2)An order under this section—

(a)may be made so as to have effect as from a date before the making of the order ;

(b)may vary or revoke a previous order made thereunder; and

(c)shall be made by statutory instrument, which shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.