  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Regulation of Entry into and Stay in United Kingdom

    1. 1.General principles

    2. 2.Statement of right of abode, and related amendments as to citizenship by registration

    3. 3.General provisions for regulation and control

    4. 4.Administration of control

    5. 5.Procedure for, and further provisions as to, deportation

    6. 6.Recommendations by court for deportation

    7. 7.Exemption from deportation for certain existing residents

    8. 8.Exceptions for seamen, aircrews and other special cases

    9. 9.Further provisions as to common travel area

    10. 10.Entry otherwise than by sea or air

    11. 11.Construction of references to entry, and other phrases relating to travel

  3. PART II Appeals

    1. The appellate authorities

      1. 12.Immigration Appeal Tribunal and adjudicators

    2. Appeals to adjudicator or Tribunal in first instance

      1. 13.Appeals against exclusion from United Kingdom

      2. 14.Appeals against conditions

      3. 15.Appeals in respect of deportation orders

      4. 16.Appeals against validity of directions for removal

      5. 17.Appeals against removal on objection to destination

      6. 18.Notice of matters in respect of which there are rights of appeal

      7. 19.Determination of appeals by adjudicators

    3. Appeals from adjudicator to Tribunal, and review of decisions

      1. 20.Appeal to Tribunal from determination of adjudicator

      2. 21.Reference of cases for further consideration

    4. Supplementary

      1. 22.Procedure

      2. 23.Financial support for organisations helping persons with rights of appeal

  4. PART III Criminal Proceedings

    1. 24.Illegal entry and similar offences

    2. 25.Assisting illegal entry, and harbouring

    3. 26.General offences in connection with administration of Act

    4. 27.Offences by persons connected with ships or aircraft or with ports

    5. 28.Proceedings

  5. PART IV Supplementary

    1. 29.Contributions for expenses of persons returning abroad

    2. 30.Return of mental patients

    3. 31.Expenses

    4. 32.General provisions as to Orders in Council, etc.

    5. 33.Interpretation

    6. 34.Repeal, transitional and temporary

    7. 35.Commencement, and interim provisions

    8. 36.Power to extend to Islands

    9. 37.Short title and extent


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Registration as Citizen by reason of Residence, Crown Service etc.

      1. 1.The law with respect to registration as a citizen of...

      2. 2.Notwithstanding anything in paragraph 1 above or any repeal made...

      3. 3.(1) A person in respect of whom a recommendation for...

      4. 4.(1) Paragraph 2 above shall apply in relation to a...

      5. 5.(1) It is hereby declared that this Schedule extends to...

      6. APPENDIX A TO SCHEDULE 1 Provisions to have effect as section 5A of British Nationality Act 1948

        1. 5A.(1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (5) and (6)...

      7. APPENDIX B TO SCHEDULE 1 Provisions to have effect as section 8(1A) and (1B) of British Nationality Act 1948

        1. 1A.Except in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man,...

        2. 1B.Subject to subsection (1A) above, section 5A of this Act...

      8. APPENDIX C TO SCHEDULE 1 Provisions to have effect as section 9 of British Nationality Act 1948

        1. 9.(1) A person registered under any of the three last...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Administrative Provisions as to Control on Entry etc.

      1. PART I General Provisions

        1. Immigration officers and medical inspectors

          1. 1.(1) Immigration officers for the purposes of this Act shall...

        2. Examination by immigration officers, and medical examination

          1. 2.(1) An immigration officer may examine any persons who have...

          2. 3.(1) An immigration officer may examine any person who is...

        3. Information and documents

          1. 4.(1) It shall be the duty of any person examined...

          2. 5.The Secretary of State may by order made by statutory...

        4. Notice of leave to enter or of refusal of leave

          1. 6.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (3) below, where a person examined...

        5. Power to require medical examination after entry

          1. 7.If, on a person's examination by an immigration officer under...

        6. Removal of persons refused leave to enter and illegal entrants

          1. 8.(1) Where a person arriving in the United Kingdom is...

          2. 9.Where an illegal entrant is not given leave to enter...

          3. 10.(1) Where it appears to the Secretary of State either—...

          4. 11.A person in respect of whom directions are given under...

        7. Seamen and aircrews

          1. 12.(1) If, on a person's examination by an immigration officer...

          2. 13.(1) Where a person being a member of the crew...

          3. 14.(1) Where it appears to the Secretary of State that...

          4. 15.A person in respect of whom directions are given under...

        8. Detention of persons liable to examination or removal

          1. 16.(1) A person who may be required to submit to...

          2. 17.(1) A person liable to be detained under paragraph 16...

          3. 18.(1) Persons may be detained under paragraph 16 above in...

          4. 19.(1) Where a person is refused leave to enter the...

          5. 20.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, in either...

        9. Temporary admission or release of persons liable to detention

          1. 21.(1) A person liable to detention or detained under paragraph...

          2. 22.(1) A person detained under paragraph 16(1) above pending examination...

          3. 23.(1) Where a recognizance entered into under paragraph 22 above...

          4. 24.(1) An immigration officer or constable may arrest without warrant...

          5. 25.The power to make rules of procedure conferred by section...

        10. Supplementary duties of those connected with ships or aircraft or with ports

          1. 26.(1) The owners or agents of a ship or aircraft...

          2. 27.(1) The captain of a ship or aircraft arriving in...

      2. PART II Effect of Appeals

        1. Stay on directions for removal

          1. 28.(1) Where a person in the United Kingdom appeals under...

        2. Grant of bail pending appeal

          1. 29.(1) Where a person (in the following provisions of this...

        3. Restrictions on grant of bail

          1. 30.(1) An appellant shall not be released under paragraph 29...

        4. Forfeiture of recognizances

          1. 31.(1) Where under paragraph 29 above (as it applies in...

          2. 32.Where under paragraph 29 above (as it applies in Scotland)...

        5. Arrest of appellants released on bail

          1. 33.(1) An immigration officer or constable may arrest without warrant...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Supplementary Provisions as to Deportation

      1. Removal of persons liable to deportation

        1. 1.(1) Where a deportation order is in force against any...

      2. Detention or control pending deportation

        1. 2.(1) Where a recommendation for deportation made by a court...

      3. Effect of appeals

        1. 3.Part II of Schedule 2 to this Act, so far...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Integration with United Kingdom Law of Immigration Law of Islands

      1. Leave to enter

        1. 1.(1) Where under the immigration laws of any of the...

        2. 2.Notwithstanding section 3(4) of this Act, leave given to a...

      2. Deportation

        1. 3.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) below, where under the immigration...

      3. Illegal entrants

        1. 4.Notwithstanding anything in section 1(3) of this Act, it shall...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      The Adjudicators and the Tribunal

      1. PART I The Adjudicators

        1. 1.There shall be such number of adjudicators as the Secretary...

        2. 2.(1) An adjudicator shall hold and vacate his office in...

        3. 3.The Secretary of State shall pay— (a) to the adjudicators,...

        4. 4.In Part III of Schedule 1 to the House of...

        5. 5.The adjudicators shall sit at such times and in such...

      2. PART II The Tribunal

        1. Members

          1. 6.The Tribunal shall consist of such number of members as...

          2. 7.The president and such number of the other members of...

          3. 8.(1) A member of the Tribunal shall hold and vacate...

          4. 9.The Secretary of State shall pay— (a) to the members...

          5. 10.In Part II of Schedule 1 to the House of...

        2. Proceedings

          1. 11.For the purpose of hearing and determining appeals under Part...

          2. 12.Subject to rules of procedure, the Tribunal shall be deemed...

          3. 13.The Lord Chancellor may appoint members of the Tribunal who...

          4. 14.The president or, in his absence, the member qualified as...

      3. PART III Staff and Expenses

        1. 15.The Secretary of State may appoint such officers and servants...

        2. 16.The remuneration of officers and servants appointed as aforesaid, and...

    6. SCHEDULE 6
