Courts Act 1971

14Practice and procedure: power to make rules

(1)Crown Court rules may be made for the purpose of regulating and prescribing the procedure and the practice to be followed in the Crown Court.

(2)Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) above, Crown Court rules may provide for the procedure and practice as respects appeals to the Crown Court, and in particular may make provision as respects—

(a)the time within which notice of appeal is to be given, and the circumstances in which further time may be allowed,

(b)any particulars to be included in the notice of appeal,

(c)the persons on whom notice of appeal is to be served, and the particulars, if any, to accompany the notice,

(d)the abandonment of an appeal,

(e)the circumstances in which a person concerned with the decision appealed against is to be disqualified from hearing the appeal, and the circumstances in which proceedings on the hearing of an appeal are to be valid notwithstanding that any person hearing the appeal is disqualified,

(f)the amendment or repeal of any enactment about appeals to the Crown Court so far as it relates to any matter within this subsection.

(3)No rule which may involve an increase of expenditure out of public funds shall be made under this section except with the concurrence of the Treasury, but the validity of Crown Court rules shall not in any proceedings in any court be called in question either by the court or by any party to the proceedings on the ground only that it was a rule to which the concurrence of the Treasury was necessary and that the Treasury did not concur or are not expressed to have concurred in the making thereof.