
PART IIIThe new Authority for the Conduct of postal and telegraphic Business

Limitation of Liability

29Exclusion of liability of the Post Office, its officers and servants, in relation to posts and telecommunications

(1)Save as provided by the next following section, no proceedings in tort shall lie against the Post Office in respect of any loss or damage suffered by any person by reason of—

(a)anything done or omitted to be done in relation to anything in the post or omission to carry out arrangements for the collection of anything to be conveyed by post;

(b)failure to provide, or delay in providing, a telecommunication service, apparatus associated therewith or a service ancillary thereto;

(c)failure, interruption, suspension or restriction of a telecommunication service or a service ancillary thereto or delay of, or fault in, communication by means of a telecommunication service; or

(d)error in, or omission from, a directory for use in connection with a telecommunication service.

(2)No officer or servant of the Post Office or person who, not being such an officer or servant, is a sub-postmaster or telephone exchange attendant shall be subject, except at the suit of the Post Office, to any civil liability for any loss or damage in the case of which liability of the Post Office therefor is excluded by the foregoing subsection.

(3)No person engaged in or about the carriage of mail and no officer, servant, agent or sub-contractor of such person shall be subject except at the suit of the Post Office to any civil liability for any loss or damage in the case of which liability of the Post Office therefor is excluded by subsection (1) of this section.

(4)In the application of subsection (1) above to Scotland, the reference to proceedings in tort shall be construed in the same way as in section 43(b) of the [1947 c. 44.] Crown Proceedings Act 1947.