Post Office Act 1969

97(1)As from the appointed day, subsections (2) and (3) of section 59 of the [1907 c. clxxiv.] Metropolitan Water Board (Various Powers) Act 1907 (which empower the Postmaster General to place telegraphic lines along, over or across the lands, works and undertaking of the Metropolitan Water Board) shall be construed so as to confer and impose on the authority the like rights and liabilities as are, immediately before that day, conferred and imposed on the Postmaster General and so as to render it subject to the like restrictions as those to which he is subject by virtue thereof immediately before that day ; and anything done by or to the Postmaster General under those subsections before that day shall, as from that day, be treated as having been done by or to the authority.

(2)As from the appointed day, the first reference to the Postmaster General in subsection (4) of the said section 59 (saving for his rights in relation to the Lee Navigation) and the reference to him in the proviso to section 11 of the [1915 c. lxxiii.] Metropolitan Water Board Act 1915 (which saves his rights under, amongst other enactments, the said Act of 1907) shall be construed as referring to the authority.