

SCHEDULE 10Special transitional Provisions with respect to Patents for Inventions and Registered Designs

PART IIRegistered Designs

17(1)In the case of articles vested in the Post Office and made before the appointed day, in the exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the Registered Designs Act 1949, and articles so vested and made on or after the appointed day under an authority continued in force by, or conferred by virtue of, paragraph 12 of this Schedule, the Post Office, if the circumstances are such that their supply to the government of a country outside the United Kingdom is, by virtue of paragraph 1(6) of the said Schedule 1 included among the services of the Crown, shall have power to sell them to that government, and if the circumstances are such that their supply to the United Nations is, by virtue of that paragraph, so included, shall have power to sell them to that organisation.

(2)In the case of articles mentioned in the last foregoing sub-paragraph and articles vested in the Post Office and made on or after the appointed day by virtue of paragraph 13 of this Schedule, the Post Office shall have power to sell to any person such, if any, of them as are not required for a purpose referable to functions of the Post Office.

(3)The purchaser of any articles sold in the exercise of powers conferred by this paragraph, and any person claiming through him, shall have power to deal with them in the same manner as if the rights in the registered design were held by or on behalf of the Post Office