
SCHEDULE 2Ascertainment of additional Exchequer Contributions for Houses provided by Local Authorities with Special Financial Difficulties


Calculation of Exchequer contribution

3If on the comparison required as aforesaid being made there is a deficit, the amount of that deficit shall be reduced by the amount which bears to that deficit—

(a)in the case of any house completed before the first day of the financial year commencing in 1968, the same proportion as the amount of the exchequer equalisation grant payable to the local authority for the relevant financial year under the [1954 c. 13.] Local Government (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1954 bears to the authority's relevant local expenditure as certified by the Secretary of State to have been estimated under the said Act of 1954 according to the latest estimate made before the end of the relevant financial year ; and

(b)in the case of any house completed on or after the first day of the financial year commencing in 1968, the same proportion as the amount of the resources element of the rate support grant payable to the local authority for the relevant financial year under the [1966 c. 51.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966 bears to the authority's relevant local expenditure as certified by the Secretary of State to have been estimated according to the latest estimate made before the end of the relevant financial year, as calculated for the purposes of Part II of Schedule 1 to that Act in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Part II,

and where the amount of the deficit as so reduced exceeds the product of a rate of two shillings and sixpence, the Secretary of State shall pay to the authority an additional Exchequer contribution, the amount of which shall be determined according to the following Table—

Where the amount of the local authority's reduced deficit—Amount of additional Exchequer contribution—
exceeds the product of a rate of two shillings and sixpence but not of a rate of three shillings and sixpencefifteen pounds
exceeds the product of a rate of three shillings and sixpence but not of a rate of four shillings and sixpencethirty pounds
exceeds the product of a rate of four shillings and sixpence but not of a rate of five shillings and sixpenceforty-five pounds
exceeds the product of a rate of five shillings and sixpence but not of a rate of six shillings and sixpencesixty pounds
exceeds the product of a rate of six shillings and sixpenceseventy-five pounds