  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Provisions as to Possession, Handling and Distribution of Weapons and Ammunition ; Prevention of Crime and Measures to Protect Public Safety

    1. General restrictions on possession and handling of firearms and ammunition

      1. 1.Requirement of firearm certificate

      2. 2.Requirement of certificate for possession of shot guns

      3. 3.Business and other transactions with firearms and ammunition

      4. 4.Conversion of weapons

    2. Prohibition of certain weapons and control of arms traffic

      1. 5.Weapons subject to general prohibition

      2. 6.Power to prohibit movement of arms and ammunition

    3. Special exemptions from sections 1 to 5

      1. 7.Police permit

      2. 8.Authorised dealing with firearms

      3. 9.Carriers, auctioneers, etc.

      4. 10.Slaughter of animals

      5. 11.Sports, athletics and other approved activities

      6. 12.Theatre and cinema

      7. 13.Equipment for ships and aircraft

      8. 14.Persons temporarily in Great Britain

      9. 15.Holder of Northern Irish certificate

    4. Prevention of crime and preservation of public safety

      1. 16.Possession of firearm with intent to injure

      2. 17.Use of firearm to resist arrest

      3. 18.Carrying firearm with criminal intent

      4. 19.Carrying firearm in a public place

      5. 20.Trespassing with firearm

      6. 21.Possession of firearms by persons previously convicted of crime

      7. 22.Acquisition and possession of firearms by minors

      8. 23.Exceptions from s. 22(4) and (5)

      9. 24.Supplying firearms to minors

      10. 25.Supplying firearm to person drunk or insane

  3. PART II Firearm and Shot Gun Certificates ; Registration of Firearms Dealers

    1. Grant, renewal, variation and revocation of firearm and shot gun certificates

      1. 26.Application for, and grant of, certificates

      2. 27.Special provisions about firearm certificates

      3. 28.Special provisions about shot gun certificates

      4. 29.Variation of firearm certificates

      5. 30.Revocation of certificates

      6. 31.Certificate for prohibited weapon

      7. 32.Fee for certificate and exemption from paying it in certain cases

    2. Registration of firearms dealers

      1. 33.Police register

      2. 34.Grounds for refusal of registration

      3. 35.Fee for registration and renewal thereof

      4. 36.Conditions of registration

      5. 37.Registration of new place of business

      6. 38.Removal from register of dealer's name or place of business

      7. 39.Offences in connection with registration

    3. Supplementary

      1. 40.Compulsory register of transactions in firearms

      2. 41.Exemption from s. 40 in case of trade in shot gun components

      3. 42.Transactions with persons not registered as firearms dealers

      4. 43.Power of Secretary of State to alter fees

      5. 44.Appeals from police decisions under Part II

      6. 45.Consequences where registered dealer convicted of offence

  4. PART III Law Enforcement and Punishment of Offences

    1. 46.Power of search with warrant

    2. 47.Powers of constables to stop and search

    3. 48.Production of certificates

    4. 49.Police powers in relation to arms traffic

    5. 50.Special powers of arrest

    6. 51.Prosecution and punishment of offences

    7. 52.Forfeiture and disposal of firearms; cancellation of certificate by convicting court

  5. PART IV Miscellaneous and General

    1. 53.Rules for implementing this Act

    2. 54.Application of Parts I and II to Crown servants

    3. 55.Exercise of police functions

    4. 56.Service of notices

    5. 57.Interpretation

    6. 58.Particular savings

    7. 59.Repeals and general savings

    8. 60.Short title, commencement and extent


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Offences to which section 17(2) applies

      1. 1.Offences under any of the following provisions of the Malicious...

      2. 2.Offences under any of the following provisions of the Offences...

      3. 3.Offences under such of the provisions of section 4 of...

      4. 4.Offences under any of the following provisions of the Larceny...

      5. 5.Offences under section 51(1) of the Police Act 1964 or...

      6. 6.Offences under any of the following provisions of the Sexual...

      7. 7.Offences under section 217 of the Road Traffic Act 1960...

      8. 8.Aiding or abetting the commission of any offence specified in...

      9. 9.Attempting to commit any offence so specified, other than an...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Offences to which sections 17(2) and 18 apply in Scotland

      1. Common Law Offences

        1. 1.Abduction.

        2. 2.Administration of drugs with intent to enable or assist the...

        3. 3.Assault.

        4. 4.Housebreaking with intent to steal.

        5. 5.Malicious mischief.

        6. 6.Mobbing and rioting.

        7. 7.Perverting the course of justice.

        8. 8.Prison breaking and breaking into prison to rescue prisoners.

        9. 9.Rape.

        10. 10.Robbery.

        11. 11.Theft.

        12. 12.Use of threats with intent to extort money or property....

        13. 13.Wilful fireraising and culpable and reckless fireraising.

      2. Statutory Offences

        1. 14.Offences against such of the provisions of section 4 of...

        2. 15.Offences against the third and fourth paragraphs of section 7...

        3. 16.Offences against sections 2, 3 or 4 of the Explosive...

        4. 17.Offences against section 217 of the Road Traffic Act 1960....

        5. 18.Offences against section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967....

      3. Attempts

        1. 19.Attempt to commit any of the offences mentioned in this...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Jurisdiction and Procedure on application under section 21(6)

      1. PART I Application to quarter sessions (England and Wales)

        1. 1.The application shall be made to the court of quarter...

        2. 2.Notice of the application, signed by the applicant or by...

        3. 3.On receiving notice of the application the clerk of the...

        4. 4.The applicant may at any time, not less than two...

        5. 5.The chief officer of police may appear and be heard...

        6. 6.The court may from time to time adjourn the hearing...

        7. 7.On the determination of the application, the court may make...

      2. PART II Application to Sheriff (Scotland)

        1. 8.The application shall be made to the sheriff within whose...

        2. 9.Not less than twenty-one days' notice of the application shall...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Particulars to be entered by firearms dealer in register of transactions

      1. 1.The quantities and description of firearms and ammunition manufactured and...

      2. 2.The quantities and description of firearms and ammunition purchased or...

      3. 3.The quantities and description of firearms and ammunition accepted for...

      4. 4.The quantities and description of firearms and ammunition sold and...

      5. 5.The quantities and description of firearms and ammunition in possession...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Provisions as to Appeals under s. 44 of Tins Act

      1. PART I Courts with Jurisdiction to entertain Appeal

      2. PART II Procedural provisions for appeal to quarter sessions

        1. 1.Notice of an appeal, signed by the appellant or by...

        2. 2.A notice of appeal shall be given within twenty-one days...

        3. 3.On receiving notice of an appeal the clerk of the...

        4. 4.An appellant may at any time, not less than two...

        5. 5.The chief officer of police may appear and be heard...

        6. 6.The court may from time to time adjourn the hearing...

        7. 7.On the hearing of an appeal the court may either...

        8. 8.On the determination of an appeal the court may make...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Prosecution and Punishment of Offences

      1. PART I Table of Punishments

      2. PART II Supplementary Provisions as to Trial and Punishment of offences

        1. 1.In Scotland, a contravention of section 1(1) or (2) or...

        2. 2.In the case of an offence against section 6(3) or...

        3. 3.Where in England or Wales a person who has attained...

        4. 4.Where a person commits an offence under section 17(1) of...

        5. 5.If on the trial of a person for an offence...

        6. 6.The punishment to which a person is liable for an...

        7. 7.The court by which a person is convicted of an...

        8. 8.The court by which a person is convicted of an...

        9. 9.The court by which a person is convicted of an...

    7. SCHEDULE 7
