
PART IForestry and Afforestation in Great Britain

7Prevention of damage by rabbits, hares and vermin.

(1)The provisions of this section shall have effect where the Commissioners are satisfied that trees or tree plants are being, or are likely to be, damaged by rabbits, hares or vermin owing to the failure of an occupier of land to destroy sufficiently the rabbits, hares or vermin on land in his occupation, or otherwise to take steps for the prevention of damage by them.

(2)The Commissioners may, where they are so satisfied, authorise in writing any competent person to enter on the land and kill and take the rabbits, hares or vermin thereon; but before doing so they shall first give to the occupier and owner of the land such opportunity as the Commissioners think reasonable of destroying the rabbits, hares or vermin, or of taking steps for the prevention of the damage.

(3)The Commissioners may recover from the occupier of the land the net cost incurred by them in connection with action taken by them under the foregoing subsection.

A sum recoverable under this subsection shall, in England or Wales, be recoverable summarily as a civil debt.

(4)Anyone who obstructs a person authorised by the Commissioners in the due exercise of his powers or duties under -subsection (2) above shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £20; but the person authorised shall, if so required, produce his authority.

(5)For purposes of this section—

(a)the person entitled to kill rabbits, hares or vermin on any common land shall be deemed to be the occupier of the land ; and

(b)the expression " vermin " includes squirrels.