
PART IIIAdministration and Finance

Advisory bodies

37Committees to advise Commissioners.

(1)For the purpose of advising the Commissioners as to the performance of their functions under section 1(3) and Part II of this Act, and such other functions as the Commissioners may from time to time determine, the Commissioners shall continue to maintain—

(a)the central advisory committee for Great Britain known as the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee ; and

(b)a regional advisory committee for each conservancy (within the meaning of Part II of this Act) in Great Britain.

(2)In relation to the performance of their duty of promoting the establishment and maintenance in Great Britain of adequate reserves of growing trees, the Commissioners shall from time to time, and as a general rule not less than quarterly, consult with the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee; and the power of the Commissioners under section 32 of this Act to make regulations shall not be exercisable except after consultation with the said Committee.

(3)The Commissioners shall—

(a)in considering whether to refuse a felling licence under Part II of this Act, or to grant it unconditionally or subject to any conditions ; and

(b)in considering whether to give felling directions under the said Part II,

take into account any advice tendered by the regional advisory committee for the conservancy in which are growing the trees to which the felling licence applied for, or the directions proposed to be given, relate.