Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966

  1. Introductory Text

  2. The Council

    1. 1.The Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

  3. Registration and qualification for registration

    1. 2.Register of veterinary surgeons

    2. 3.Right of holders of university degrees to be registered

    3. 4.Examination by the College of students of certain universities

    4. 5.Supervisory functions of the Council

    5. 6.Qualification for registration as a Commonwealth or foreign practitioner

    6. 7.Temporary registration

    7. 8.Supplementary veterinary register

  4. Supplementary provisions as to the register and registration

    1. 9.Keeping, evidential effect and publication of the register

    2. 10.Procedure for registration

    3. 11.Power to make regulations, etc., with respect to the register

    4. 12.Abbreviations of qualifications granted abroad

    5. 13.Removal of names of deceased persons and those who have ceased to practice

    6. 14.Incorrect and fraudulent entries in the register

  5. Disciplinary and similar proceedings

    1. 15.Preliminary investigation and disciplinary committees

    2. 16.Removal of names from register for crime or disgraceful conduct

    3. 17.Appeals in disciplinary and other cases

    4. 18.Restoration of name after removal or suspension

  6. Restriction of practice of veterinary surgery

    1. 19.Restriction on practice of veterinary surgery by unqualified persons

    2. 20.Prohibition of use of practitioners' titles by unqualified persons

  7. Agreements with the Republic of Ireland

    1. 21.Power to give effect to agreements with Republic of Ireland

  8. Miscellaneous and general

    1. 22.Default powers of the Privy Council

    2. 23.Exercise of powers conferred on the Privy Council

    3. 24.Exemption from jury service

    4. 25.Regulations, rules and orders

    5. 26.Notices

    6. 27.Interpretation

    7. 28.Repeal, saving and transitional provisions

    8. 29.Short title, extent and commencement


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Provisions as to the Council

      1. Tenure of office of members and of President and Vice-Presidents

        1. 1.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the term...

        2. 2.Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the term of...

        3. 3.A member of the Council may at any time, by...

        4. 4.An elected member of the Council, or a member of...

        5. 5.If a recognition order ceases to be in force for...

      2. Elections, appointments and casual vacancies

        1. 6.(1) Elections or appointments to fill any vacancy occurring under...

        2. 7.(1) Where a casual vacancy occurs among the elected members...

        3. 8.A person ceasing to be a member of the Council...

        4. 9.Elections of elected members of the Council shall be conducted...

        5. 10.A scheme under the last foregoing paragraph may be amended...

      3. Supplementary

        1. 11.The powers of the Council and any of its committees...

        2. 12.The additional elected members of the Council required to bring...

        3. 13.Of the persons elected members of the Council at the...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees

      1. PART I Constitution of the Committees

        1. 1.(1) The preliminary investigation committee shall consist of the President...

        2. 2.(1) The disciplinary committee shall consist of a chairman elected...

        3. 3.The members of the preliminary investigation committee and the disciplinary...

      2. PART II Procedure of Disciplinary Committee

        1. 4.(1) For the purpose of any proceedings before the disciplinary...

        2. 5.(1) The Council shall make rules as to the procedure...

        3. (6).(1) For the purpose of advising the disciplinary committee on...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Exemptions from Restrictions on Practice of Veterinary Surgery

      1. PART I Treatment and Operations which may be Given or Carried Out by Unqualified Persons

      2. PART II Exclusions from Provisions of Part I

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Enactments Repealed