Industrial Development Act 1966


Sections 1(6), 2(2) and 6(3).

SCHEDULE 1Investment Grants: Development Area Expenditure.

1Subject to the following provisions of this Schedule, the following expenditure on the provision of machinery or plant or of a computer (in this paragraph referred to as " equipment") qualifies as development area expenditure—

(a)expenditure in respect of equipment provided for use in an area which is a development area at the time when the expenditure is incurred;

(b)expenditure in respect of equipment provided for use in an area which has at that time ceased to be a development area if it is provided under a contract entered into, or for the purposes of a project undertaken, while the area was a development area.

2Expenditure on the production of a prototype qualifies as development area expenditure if, and only if, the Board are satisfied that the prototype is being or was produced in a development area or ought to be treated as so produced.

3Expenditure on the provision of a computer provided for integration with machinery or plant as mentioned in section 2(2)(a) of this Act does not qualify as development area expenditure unless—

(a)the machinery or plant is or is to be used in an area which is a development area at the time when the expenditure is incurred ; or

(b)the machinery or plant is or is to be used in an area which was a development area at the time when a contract for the provision of the computer was entered into; or

(c)the machinery or plant is or is to be used in an area which has ceased to be a development area and was provided for use in that area under a contract entered into, or for the purposes of a project undertaken, while the area was a development area.

4The following expenditure on the provision of works qualifies as development area expenditure—

(a)expenditure in respect of works provided in an area which is a development area at the time when the expenditure is incurred ;

(b)expenditure in respect of works provided in an area which has at that time ceased to be a development area if the works are provided under a contract entered into, or for the purposes of a project undertaken, while the area was a development area.

5(1)In this Schedule " development area " means, without prejudice to sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph, any area for the time being specified as such under Part II of this Act, and any reference to a development area shall have effect as if there were includedin the development area any locality outside that area which for the time being falls to be treated as if it were included in that area for the purposes of the said Part II.

(2)In relation to the provision of an asset before the date of the commencement of this Act, any reference in this Schedule to a development area shall be construed as including a reference to any area which becomes a development area on that date and to any locality outside that area which on that date falls to be treated as if it were included in that area for the purposes of Part II of this Act.

6For the purposes of this Schedule an asset shall be treated as provided for use in an area if, and only if, the Board are satisfied that it is so provided and will continue to be used in that area ; and an asset provided in, or for use in, an area which has ceased to be a development area shall be treated as provided for the purposes of a project undertaken while that area was a development area if, and only if, the Board are satisfied that the following conditions are complied with in respect thereof, that is to say—

(a)that its provision is required for the execution of the project; and

(b)that other assets required for use in that area for the execution of the project have been provided or contracted for at a time when the area was a development area ; and

(c)that the assets so provided or contracted for form a substantial proportion of the assets required for the execution of the project.

Section 1(7) and 6(4).

SCHEDULE 2Bodies not Eligible for Certain Grants.

  • The British Railways Board.

  • The London Transport Board.

  • The British Transport Docks Board.

  • The British Waterways Board.

  • The British Overseas Airways Corporation.

  • The British European Airways Corporation.

  • The British Airports Authority.

  • The National Coal Board.

  • An Area Electricity Board.

  • The North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board.

  • The South of Scotland Electricity Board.

  • The Central Electricity Generating Board

  • The Electricity Council.

  • An Area Gas Board.

  • The Gas Council.

Sections 29 and 31.

SCHEDULE 3Consequential Amendments and Repeals.

PART ISection Substituted for Section 4 of the [1966 c. 27.] Building Control Act 1966

4(1)There shall be exempt from control under this Act any work done in the construction or alteration of a building or of any works in a development area.

(2)There shall be exempt from control under this Act any work done in the construction or alteration of a building or of any works in a locality which has ceased to be a development area or a development district if—

(a)the construction or alteration was begun ; or

(b)a contract for the work in question, or for other work in the construction or alteration, was made,

at a time when the locality was a development area or development district.

(3)Work shall not be exempt from control by virtue of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section if the construction or alteration has been interrupted for a continuous period of twelve months or more.

(4)Nothing in subsection (2) of this section shall be taken as conferring any exemption on work in respect of a building or any works by reason only that the construction of any ancillary works for the building or works in question was begun, or that a contract for work in the construction of such ancillary works was made, at such a time as is mentioned in that subsection; but where work done in the construction or alteration of a building or of any works is exempt from control by virtue of that subsection there shall also be exempt from control by virtue of that subsection any work done in the construction of any ancillary works required for that building or those works.

(5)In this section—

  • " development area " means any locality at the material time specified as such under section 15 of the Industrial Development Act 1966;

  • " development district " means any locality at the material time specified as such by a notice in the Board of Trade Journal which has not been withdrawn by a further notice in that Journal.

PART IIAmendments Consequential on Part II of this Act

The [1957 c. 20.] House of Commons Disqualification Act 1957.

  • In Part II of Schedule 1, both in its application to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and in its application to the Senate and House of Commons of Northern Ireland, in the entry " The Industrial Estates Management Corporations constituted by the Local Employment Act 1960", the word "Management" shall be omitted.

The [1960 c. 18.] Local Employment Act 1960.

  • In section 1(1) for the words "the six following sections" there shall be substituted the words " sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 of this Act " ; and for the word " district", in each place where it occurs, there shall be substituted the word " area " .

  • In section 2 for the word " district " there shall be substituted the word " area " .

  • In section 3(1) for the word " district ", in both places where it occurs, there shall be substituted the word " area " .

  • In section 4(1) for the word " district " there shall be substituted the word " area " .

  • In section 6(1) for the word " district ", in both places where it occurs, there shall be substituted the word " area " .

  • In section 7, in subsection (1), for the word " district " there shall be substituted the word " area " and for the words " for the purposes of this Part of this Act" there shall be substituted the words " with a view to contributing to the development of industry in that area " ; and in subsection (2) for the word " district" there shall be substituted the word " area ".

  • In section 9(5), as amended by section 5 of the [1965 c. 46.] Highlands and Islands Development (Scotland) Act 1965, for the words " Industrial Estates Management Corporation for Scotland" there shall be substituted the words " Scottish Industrial Estates Corporation " .

  • In section 14(2) and (3) for the word " district ", wherever it occurs, there shall be substituted the word " area " and for the word " districts " there shall be substituted the word " areas " .

  • In section 15 for the definition of " development district" there shall be substituted—

    • ' development area ' " means, subject to subsection (6) of section 15 of the Industrial Development Act 1966, any area for the time being specified as such under that section ;.

  • In section 17 for the word " districts " there shall be substituted the word " areas ".

  • In Schedule 1 the word " Management " in the heading shall be omitted.

The Highlands and Islands Development (Scotland) Act 1965.

  • In section 5(5) for the words " Industrial Estates Management Corporation for Scotland " there shall be substituted the words " Scottish Industrial Estates Corporation " .

  • In section 13(6) for the words " Industrial Estates Management Corporation for Scotland " there shall be substituted the words " Scottish Industrial Estates Corporation ".

PART IIIAmendments Consequential on Part III of this Act

The [1947 c. 53.] Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1947.

  • In section 113(1), in the definition of " industrial building ", there shall be added at the end the words " as extended by section 25 of the Industrial Development Act 1966 ".

The [1960 c. 18.] Local Employment Act 1960.

  • In section 16(1) after the words " prescribed classes " there shall be added the words " or descriptions " .

  • In section 18(1) after the words " prescribed classes " there shall be added the words " or descriptions " .

  • In section 18(2) after the words " the prescribed classes " there shall be added the words " or descriptions ", and for the words " the classes prescribed " there shall be substituted the words " the classes or descriptions prescribed " .

  • In section 19(1) after the words " prescribed classes " there shall be added the words " or descriptions ".

The [1962 c. 38.] Town and Country Planning Act 1962.

  • In section 221(1), in the definition of " industrial building ", there shall be added at the end the words " and section 25 of the Industrial Development Act 1966 ".

PART IVRepeals

ChapterShort titleExtent of Repeal
8 & 9 Eliz. 2. c. 18.The Local Employment Act 1960.Section 1(2), (3), (4) and (6).
Section 5, except as provided in section 20(6) of this Act.
Section 10(3)(b).
Section 12(2), (3), (4) and (5).
Section 14(1), except as provided in section 21(5) of this Act.
Section 19(4).
In section 28, in subsection (3) the words from " or the " to " 1937 " and subsections (5) and (8)(b).
10 & 11 Eliz. 2. c. 31.The Sea Fish Industry Act 1962.Section 3(5) and (7).
10 & 11 Eliz. 2. c. 38.The Town and Country Planning Act 1962.Section 38(5).
1963 c. 19.The Local Employment Act 1963.Section 1, except as provided in section 16(2) of this Act. Section 3.