Docks and Harbours Act 1966

16Determination of amount of compensation

(1)Within six months of the making of an application for compensation under section 13 of this Act the licensing authority shall determine whether any compensation is payable under that section and, if it determines that compensation is so payable, shall seek to agree or, in default of agreement, shall determine the amount of compensation payable.

(2)Where the licensing authority agrees or determines the amount of any compensation it shall give the applicant notice in writing of the amount agreed or determined, and where the authority determines that no compensation is payable as aforesaid it shall give the applicant notice of the determination, together with the reasons therefor.

(3)Any applicant for compensation who is aggrieved by a determination whether compensation is payable to him or as to the amount of compensation payable may, within twenty-eight days of the authority's giving him notice of the determination, give the authority notice in writing that he disputes the determination.

(4)Upon receipt of such a notice the authority shall refer the dispute to the Minister and he shall refer it to the arbitration of an arbitrator or arbiter, as the case may be, appointed by him.

(5)Where no notice is given under subsection (3) of this section, the amount of compensation, if any, agreed or determined under this section shall be a debt due from the licensing authority to the person to whom compensation is to be paid, and shall be recoverable accordingly.

(6)In relation to an arbiter appointed under subsection (4) of this section the following provisions shall apply—

(a)any arbiter so appointed shall have the like powers for securing the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, and with regard to the examination of witnesses on oath and the awarding of expenses, as if the arbitration were under a submission;

(b)the arbiter may, and if so directed by the Court of Session shall, state a case for the opinion of that Court on any question of law arising in the proceedings ; and

(c)any award of an arbiter so appointed in pursuance of this section may be recorded in the Books of Council and Session for execution, and may be enforced accordingly.