

SCHEDULE 5Provisions applicable by virtue of section 13 of this Act to the University of St. Andrews after the foundation of the University of Dundee

Constitution of the University and Colleges

1(a)The University shall comprise two Colleges, being unincorporated societies of teachers and students, namely, the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard, and St. Mary's College.

(b)The United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard shall consist of the master of the College and of those teachers who provide instruction and matriculated students who engage in studies in the University wholly or mainly in that College; and St. Mary's College shall consist of the principal of the College and of those teachers who provide instruction and matriculated students who engage in studies in the University wholly or mainly in that College.

(c)Any question arising as to the College of which any teacher or student is, by virtue of the last foregoing sub-paragraph, a member shall be determined by the University Court.

(d)Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, the University Court shall have power to admit to membership of a College the librarian or any other member of the administrative staff of the University of St. Andrews.