Universities (Scotland) Act 1966

Section 2.

SCHEDULE 1Composition of Courts of Older Universities


St. Andrews


the rector;


the principal;


the master of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard;


the vice-principal of the University, if he is not a member of the University Court in another capacity ;


an assessor nominated by the chancellor ;


an assessor nominated by the rector ;


the provost of the royal burgh of St. Andrews for the time being, or an assessor nominated by him to serve throughout his term of office as provost; ,


the convener of the county council of the county of Fife for the time being, or an assessor nominated by him to serve throughout his term of office as convener ; ,


four assessors elected by the General Council;


six assessors elected from among its members by the Senatus Academicus, of whom one shall be a professor in St. Mary's College, and of whom at least two shall be readers or lecturers ;


such persons, not exceeding three in number of whom none may hold an appointment in the University of St. Andrews, as may be co-opted by the University Court.




the rector;


the principal;


the lord provost of the city of Glasgow for the time being ;


an assessor nominated by the chancellor ;


an assessor nominated by the rector ;


an assessor nominated by the lord provost, magistrates and council of the city of Glasgow ;


four assessors elected by the General Council;


six assessors, elected from among its members by the Senatus Academicus, of whom at least two shall be readers or lecturers ;


such persons, not exceeding three in number of whom not more than one may hold an appointment in the University of Glasgow, as may be co-opted by the University Court.




the rector;


the principal;


the lord provost of the city of Aberdeen for the time being ;


an assessor nominated by the chancellor ;


an assessor nominated by the rector ;


an assessor nominated by the lord provost, magistrates and council of the city of Aberdeen ;


four assessors elected by the General Council;


six assessors, elected from among its members by the Senatus Academicus, of whom at least two shall be readers or lecturers;


such persons, not exceeding three in number of whom not more than one may hold an appointment in the University of Aberdeen, as may be co-opted by the University Court.




the rector;


the principal;


the lord provost of the city of Edinburgh for the time being ;


an assessor nominated by the chancellor ;


an assessor nominated by the rector ;


an assessor nominated by the lord provost, magistrates and council of the city of Edinburgh ;


four assessors elected by the General Council;


six assessors, elected from among its members by the Senatus Academicus, of whom at least two shall be readers or lecturers;


such persons, not exceeding three in number of whom not more than one may hold an appointment in the University of Edinburgh, as may be co-opted by the University Court.