
PART IIBenefit.

Death grant.

39Death grant.

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, and in particular to paragraph 10 of Schedule 11 thereto, a death grant of the amount specified in relation thereto in Schedule 4 to this Act shall be payable in respect of the death of any person (hereafter in this section referred to as " the deceased") if the deceased either himself satisfied the contribution conditions set out in paragraph 5(1) of Schedule 2 to this Act, or was at death the husband, wife, widower, widow, or a child of the family, of a person satisfying those conditions, or a child who—

(a)had immediately before the death of some other person satisfying those conditions, been a child of the family of that other person ; or

(b)was a posthumous son or daughter of a man satisfying those conditions.

(2)With respect to cases where the deceased was at death a child but the requirements of the foregoing subsection are not satisfied, regulations may provide for death grant to be payable if the contribution conditions aforesaid were satisfied by such other person as may be prescribed.

(3)Where at his death the deceased was not a child but was under the age of nineteen years and would, if he had been under the age of sixteen years, have been a child by virtue of section 2(1)(c) of the Family Allowances Act (which relates to persons incapacitated by reason of illness or disability of mind or body), then, for the purposes of the foregoing provisions of this section, the deceased shall be treated as if he had been a child at his death.

(4)Except where regulations otherwise provide, a death grant shall not be payable in respect of a death occurring outside Great Britain.