
PART IICompulsory Improvement of Dwellings to Provide Standard Amenities

Improvement of dwellings: improvement areas

13Declaration of improvement area

(1)If a local authority are satisfied that any area in their district contains dwellings lacking one or more of the standard amenities and that, of the dwellings in that area which are so lacking, at least one half—

(a)are so constructed that it is practicable to improve them to the full standard, and

(b)will, after they have been improved to the full standard, be in such condition as to be fit for human habitation, and will be likely, subject to normal maintenance, to remain in that condition and available for use as dwellings for a period of not less than fifteen years,

the local authority may cause the area to be defined on a map and may pass a resolution declaring the area so defined to be an improvement area for the purposes of this Part of this Act.

(2)As soon as may be after the passing of a resolution under this section the local authority shall publish in one or more local newspapers circulating in the locality where the improvement area is situated a notice—

(a)stating that the area has been declared an improvement area, giving sufficient particulars to identify the limits of the area, and naming a place where a copy of the resolution and of the map defining the area may be seen at all reasonable hours, and

(b)setting out the effect of the provisions of this Part of this Act regarding the compulsory improvement of dwellings in an improvement area.

(3)It shall be the duty of every local authority to cause an inspection of their district to be made from time to time with a view to ascertaining whether there is any area in the district which ought to be declared to be an improvement area, and for that purpose it shall be the duty of each local authority, and of every officer of the local authority, to comply with such regulations and to keep such records as the Minister may prescribe.

(4)After the declaration of an improvement area under this section it shall be the duty of the local authority to take such action under this Part of this Act as appears to them appropriate as respects the dwellings in the improvement area.

(5)No account shall be taken under subsection (1) of this section of dwellings in any tenement block, and no improvement notice shall be served in respect of a dwelling in a tenement block under the following provisions of this Act relating to improvement areas.

(6)This section shall apply to Scotland subject to the following modifications:—

(a)in relation to the passing by a local authority of a resolution under subsection (1) of this section in respect of any area every dwelling in which is comprised in a tenement, that subsection shall have effect as if for the references to improvement to the full standard there were substituted references to improvement to the full or to the reduced standard;

(b)subsection (3) shall have effect as if the words from " and for that purpose " to the end were omitted ;

(c)subsection (5) shall not apply, but no preliminary notice or improvement notice shall be served under sections 14 to 18 of this Act in respect of a dwelling comprised in a tenement.