Protection of Birds Act 1954


(1)In this Act, the following expressions have the following meanings respectively—

  • " administrative area " means a county or county borough or, in Scotland, a county or large burgh ;

  • " appropriate advisory committee " means, in relation to any matter wholly or partly affecting England or Wales, the Advisory Committee on the Protection of Birds for England and Wales established under section eleven of this Act and, in relation to any matter wholly or partly affecting Scotland, the Advisory Committee on the Protection of Birds for Scotland established as aforesaid;

  • " authorised person " means—


    the owner or occupier, or any person shown to have been authorised by the owner or occupier, of any land on which the action authorised is taken;


    any person authorised in writing by the local authority for the area within which the action authorised is taken;


    any person authorised in writing by any of the following bodies, that is to say, the Nature Conservancy, a river board constituted under the River Boards Act, 1948, a local fisheries committee constituted under the Sea Fisheries Regulation Act, 1888, the Conservators of the River Thames, the Lee Conservancy Catehment Board, any statutory waiter undertakers within the meaning of the Water Act, 1945, any local water authority within the meaning of the Water (Scotland) Act, 1946, the Commissioners appointed under the Tweed Fisheries Act, 1857, and the district board for a fishery district within the meaning of the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1862; so, however, that the authorisation of any person for the purposes of this definition shall not confer any right of entry upon any land ;

  • " importation " and cognate expressions have the same meanings as for the purposes of the Customs and Excise Act, 1952;

  • " local authority " means the council of a county, county borough, metropolitan borough, non-county borough, urban district or rural district, the Common Council of the City of London and, in Scotland, a county council and a town council;

  • " occupier ", in relation to any land other than the foreshore, includes any person having any right of hunting, shooting, fishing or taking game or fish;

  • " poultry " means domestic fowls, ducks, geese, guinea-fowls, pigeons and turkeys ;

  • " wild bird " in sections five, ten and twelve of this Act means any wild bird, but in any other provision of this Act does not include pheasant, partridge, grouse (or moor game), black (or heath) game, or, in Scotland, ptarmigan.

(2)Any reference in this Act to any other enactment shall, except where the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by or under any other enactment, including this Act.