Town and Country Planning Act 1932

24Power to withdraw or modify provisions of scheme after award of compensation.

(1)The responsible authority may, at anytime within one month after the date of an award of compensation under this Act in respect of the injurious affection of any property, give notice to the claimant of their intention to withdraw or modify all or any of the provisions of the scheme which gave rise to his claim for compensation.

(2)Where such a notice has been given, the responsible authority shall within three months from the date of the notice submit for the approval of the Minister a varying scheme carrying into effect such withdrawal or modification as aforesaid, and upon the varying scheme, as approved by the Minister with or without modifications, coming into operation, and upon payment by the authority of the claimant's costs of and in connection with the arbitration, the award of the arbitrator shall be discharged, without prejudice, however, to the right of the claimant to make a further claim for compensation under paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section eighteen of this Act or in respect of the scheme as varied.

(3)No award of compensation under this Act in respect of the injurious affection of any property shall be enforceable before the expiration of one month from the date thereof, or if a notice has been given by the authority under subsection (1) of this section, until after the expiration of three months from the date of the notice, or, if within that period a varying scheme is submitted to the Minister, until that scheme has either come into operation, or been disapproved by the Minister, or quashed by a court.