


PART IIRestrictions on Acquisition of Land.

2The Minister shall not confirm an order for the compulsory purchase of any land which belongs to any local authority within the meaning of the Local Loans Act, 1875, or to any statutory undertakers unless the land is required for the widening of an existing highway and the authority or undertakers consent :

Provided that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, and any question whether or not consent is unreasonably withheld shall be decided by the Minister, but the Minister, before giving his decision as to whether or not the consent of any undertakers is unreasonably withheld, shall, where any Government department other than the Ministry of Health are concerned with the functions of the undertakers, consult with the Secretary of State or other Minister in charge of that department, and shall, if the undertakers so desire, afford them an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by one or more persons appointed for the purpose by the Minister and the Secretary of State or other Minister acting jointly.