


PART IProvisions as to the Compulsory Acquisition of Land.

3The modifications, subject to which the Lands Clauses Acts and the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, shall be incorporated in the order are as follows :—

(i)The arbitrator shah not take into account any building erected or any improvement or alteration made or any interest in land created after the date on which notice of the order having been made is published in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule if, in the opinion of the arbitrator, the erection of the building or the making of the improvement or alteration or the creation of the interest in respect of which a claim is made was not reasonably necessary and was carried out with a view to obtaining compensation or increased compensation;

(ii)No person shall be required to sell a part only of any house, building or manufactory, or of any land which forms part of a park or garden Belonging to a house, if he is willing and able to sell the whole of the house, building, manufactory, park or garden unless the arbitrator determines that in the case of a house, building or manufactory such part as is proposed to be taken can be taken without material detriment to the house, building or manufactory, or, in the case of a park or garden, that such part as aforesaid can be taken without seriously affecting the amenity or convenience of the house, and, if he so determines, he shall award compensation in respect of any loss due to the severance of the part so proposed to be taken, in addition to the value of that part, and thereupon the party interested shall be required to sell to the responsible authority that part of the house, building, manufactory, park or garden;

(iii)Where the land to which the order relates is land forming the site of a highway which has been stopped up under a provision contained in a scheme, any compensation payable shall be assessed on the basis that the land could not lawfully be used in any manner which, if the highway had not been stopped up, would have interfered with the right of the public to use that highway; and

(iv)Where any land to which an order relates is glebe land or other land belonging to an ecclesiastical benefice, the order shall provide that sums agreed upon or awarded for the purchase of the land, or to be paid by way of compensation for damage to be sustained by reason of severance or injury affecting the land, shall not be paid as directed by the Lands Clauses Acts, but shall be paid to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, to be applied by them as money paid to them upon a sale, under the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts, of land belonging to a benefice.