
1Power of local education authority to aid school canteen committees in the provision of meals for children.

A local education authority under Part III, of the [2 Edw. 7. c. 42.] Education Act, 1902, may take such steps as they think fit for the provision of meals for children in attendance at any public elemental school in their area, and for that purpose—

(a)may associate with themselves any committee on which the authority are represented, who will undertake to provide food for those children (in this Act called a " school canteen committee "); and

(b)may aid that committee by furnishing such land, buildings, furniture, and apparatus, and such officers and servants as may be necessary for the organization, preparation, and service of such meals ;

but, save as herein-after provided, the authority shall not incur any expense in respect of the purchase of food to be supplied at such meals.