

86As to Land Commissioners

(1)The Lord Chancellor may nominate any Judge of the High Court, other than the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls, to act, for the time specified by him, as an additional Judicial Commissioner of the Land Commission for the purpose of hearing appeals under the Land Law Acts, and the Judge so nominated shall, during that time, have the same jurisdiction as the Judicial Commissioner appointed under the Act of 1881.

(2)A Judge of the High Court appointed before the first day of January one thousand nine hundred and two shall not without his own consent be nominated under this section.

(3)The Honourable Gerald FitzGerald, one of the Land Commissioners, shall, for the purposes of the Land Law Acts and Land Purchase Acts, but not further or otherwise, in addition to his existing powers, have all the jurisdiction and powers of a Judicial Commissioner, with the same rank and tenure of office as if he had, at the commencement of this Act, been appointed a Judicial Commissioner under the Act of 1881, and shall be entitled to a superannuation allowance calculated on a salary of two thousand five hundred pounds and otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1892.

(4)The Right Honourable Frederick Stringer Wrench shall, if he is nominated as an Estates Commissioner, be paid, in addition to his present salary, a salary of five hundred pounds out of money provided by Parliament.

(5)Murrough O'Brien, esquire, one of the Land Commissioners, and the two Estates Commissioners appointed by His Majesty, shall be entitled to superannuation allowances in accordance with the provisions of the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1892.