Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871

32Master to allow items, subject to appeal to Lord Chancellor.

Where the master is of opinion that any expenses included in the committee's or receiver's account have been properly and reasonably incurred for the benefit or enjoyment of the lunatic, or in a due course of management, or for the improvement, security, or advantage of his estate, and there is no opposition to the allowance thereof, it shall be lawful for the master to allow credit for the same or such portion thereof as he shall deem just and proper, subject to the disallowance, diminution, or modification of such credit by an order to be made by the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid, upon the motion of any party having an interest in the lunatic or his estate, and the order to be made upon and the costs of such motion shall be at the discretion of the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid.