
Delivery up of Documents

47Delivery up of books by registrars.

All and singular the records, books, accounts, deeds, maps, documents, and papers whatsoever which in anywise relate to or concern any of the property or premises vested or to become vested in the Commissioners under any of the provisions of this Act shall, within three months next after the said first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, be delivered up to the Commissioners by the respective registrars of the several provincial and diocesan or united diocesan or other registries in Ireland, or other the officers then having the custody or possession of the same respectively, on getting receipts therefor from the said Commissioners : Provided always, that the said Commissioners shall preserve the said books, accounts, deeds, maps, documents, and papers, and shall permit reasonable access to the same, and shall hand over to the said representative body such of the said books, accounts, deeds, maps, documents, and papers, if any, as may exclusively relate to property to which the said representative body shall have become entitled, and certified copies of such of them as may relate to the said property, jointly with other property, and at the close of the commission shall lodge the residue thereof in the Public Record Office of Ireland.