Irish Church Act 1869

24Building charge to be paid on commutation of annuity.

When any annuity is commuted as aforesaid, the Commissioners shall, as soon as may he, ascertain and by order declare the amount of any building charge to which the archbishop, bishop, incumbent, or person holding such cathedral preferment, and theretofore entitled to such annuity as aforesaid, or any person or persons claiming through or under him, may be entitled, after deducting such sum or sums of money (if any) as the Commissioners may ascertain and declare to be just in respect of any dilapidations or want of proper repair in any of the buildings subject to such charge, and the Commissioners shall thereupon pay to such archbishop, bishop, or person holding such benefice or cathedral preferment, or any person or persons claiming as aforesaid (as the case may be), the principal sum (if any) so ascertained and declared to be payable to him or them in respect of such building charge as aforesaid.